United Women In Faith Hold Annual Meeting at Rust College

By: Lori Polk, Mississippi UWF Communication Coordinator

uwfconference Bishop Sharma D. Lewis leads the installation of new UWF officers. On October 6 and 7, the Mississippi Conference Chapter of United Women of Faith, UWF, celebrated their annual meeting as women seeking to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities.
The theme for the conference was "Where do we go from Here" focusing on Micah 6:8, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
This year’s event was hosted by the Senatobia District and held at Rust College’s Doxey Building in Holly Springs. Rev. Ricky Haynes, district superintendent of the Senatobia District and pastor of the Arkabutla-Coldwater Charge was the keynote speaker at the Friday evening worship/communion service. He blessed attendee's souls with a great word from God. Ernestine Gipson, Latonya Burgine and others provided us with beautiful music and selections during the service.
Rust College’s President, Dr. Robert Dixon and Dr. Zachary Beasley, pastor at Asbury/Calvert UMC United Methodist Church, Holly Springs, graced the platform welcoming everyone to the campus and city.
Saturday morning plenary and business session began with gathering music performed by Ernestine Gipson. UWF president, Dale Barnes, opened the meeting, and spiritual growth coordinator, Mary Wise- Hampton, gave the devotion. The 'world renowned' Rust College A'Capella Choir, under the leadership of Dr. Karl Twyner, gave a stirring rendition of “I’ve been Buked, and I’ve been Scorned.”
uwfconference2 Outgoing UWF president Dale Barnes, left, hugs incoming president Kathleen Smith, right. Other activities included the convening of 2023 annual business meeting session, mission focus, election of officers, reports and recognition of outgoing officers. The mission giving and offering donated $1,560.85 to the Rust College A'Capella Choir. Mission highlight representative, Jessica McArthur Senter, director of development at the Methodist Children’s Homes, gave a presentation updating the group about the children’s home. 
Our hearts were warmed when Bishop Sharma D. Lewis, resident Bishop of the Mississippi episcopal area, preached a soul stirring message entitled “Where Do We Go from Here” and conducted our installation of conference officers for 2024.  
The Meridian District accepted the invitation for the 2024 annual meeting. Senatobia district secretary, Cheryl Denly, Carolyn Diann Walton, executive secretary for social science at Rust College and Mary Lesure, director of public relations for Rust College, were recognized and commended for assisting our leadership team in preparing the logistics for the annual meeting. 
Our outgoing president, Dale Barnes was recognized for her contributions and years of leadership to our conference. We wish her the best. 
We acknowledge all the splendid work by conference vice-president Kathleen Smith, our local, district and conference UWF to make this annual meeting a success. We would be remiss if we did not give a great shout out to our Executive Leadership Team for stepping up and assisting the Senatobia district with the reception after Friday night's session.